Sunday, May 12, 2013

#write_from_pictuers maha's play

oh don't mind having each part of my body disarmed in the walk of life..
don't mind the thorns stinking at my body..
don't mind the stranded desert..

faith no more in your liberty..
faith no more in your way of life..

but i cant be with out your sound..worming my loneliness 

am not hiding..
am not protecting myself..

am enjoying my body..

let it come..
let it thunder rain on me..
over and over..
from shower to dryness..
it does not turn me sour..
my feet study firm..
let still standing..

maybe am still that 8 year old girl..
cold as blue is my heart..
fierily mind..that won't quit..
not for any one..
not for me..

i see much when i dream..
i see much when i feel..
may look worried, am existed..

no..i don't talk with my mouth..
i dont talk with sound..

my friend, my courageous childhood friend..
i dont have your lovely kinder sprit..

am dumpy mud

yes am still searching for me..
not that am faceless..
but what you see is not really who iam..

if pink still in me..
if blue sky still around..
we might meet..once more..



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