Tuesday, May 14, 2013

calling this "emotional pain"..

in one of my painful moods
don't see..
i just feel pain..
even in laughter

pain that does not have a colour ..
it run on black..

but to feel it right..

it's not the colour i can't stand..
its what the colour does to me..

when peaceful calm colours 
makes me want to scream..

i feel that everyone
dont match me
dont understan

they are lying
they dont want me
am not wanted by the world

starts to leave..
dont want to be notice 
crumble in side..

not i want to die..
just wish never was born..

and more..
much more
feelings that have no words change
take me on a round and round
racing cars to nowhere

feel my body is showing from the inside out
that my skin has milted

every eye looking
at me

then i fall..
hit the ground with its coldness

and i do feel calm
am on the floor

then he comes..
actually, i seek him out
take comfort 
in hime..
he in me..

then the body that hunted me..
reveal its beauty for me..

 go out of the dark..
vist an old friend
talke to strangers i meet..
smile as the last few weeks
never happen

it was not me..
i was told about it

maha masoud

art liberate human beings from psychological tortures..

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