Saturday, May 25, 2013

#day_of_orange_&_blue writing about it..

let réclame what it is to be feel orang..
the color orang,red&yellow, individual character
orang became my future..
the place I would not be
but am full of orang I don't fight for the future..

diving into the blue..meditate
blue was and still is my color..
what does it really mean..
what is blue for me..
this is a long night..
am getting long nights..dry days..
thinking about my blue..or rather blue of mine.. of mine is all blue are!!!
being with me when i had my first palette..
could see my child's hand reaching for blue..
observe the blue
what is blue..
flashes of blue.. remember when your were inside of me.. the the 7 seas..
searching the waves for a hug..
for sanctuary..
a place of my own..

..choices one makes  it's not from oneself..
it's not who self.. choose from multi options
for self to really choose..
self has to creates what self want..
that's a choice of one self..


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