Sunday, May 12, 2013

keep my head above it..what i have is not who i am..

Bipolar disorder
bipolar affective disorder
(historically known as manic–depressive disorder or manic depression)
is a psychiatric diagnosis for a mood disorder.

Individuals with bipolar disorder experience episodes of a frenzied state known as mania (or hypomania), typically alternating with episodes of depression...
it was the year 1994 when i was diagnosed as manic-depressent..later when i read about became in my mind..biopolar disorder..
i was 24 years made some sense to me then for all i was feeling and going through ever i could remember , let say sense i was 10 years old..

non the less it dose not make any sense to family or friends or later co-workers..the world just said i was crazy-not responsible etc

must say for the past 10-15 years have kept a journal..
for the past 3years i add to it art..

art journal was and still is my way of maintaining my feelings, thoughts for me to understand myself.. come to know me..

sharing this with you, for i want your help..
asking for help from unknown individuals is not so crazy..


i need your help..

when i post here my work or other artist..its like a journal of images that reflects my feelings and thoughts..

you would be so kind to comment on them with your own feelings and thoughts..would help me..

if you like to write to me please do..
sharing would be mostly welcomed and appreciated..

thank you

artist is a freedom fighter with his images, with his thoughts, with his very being

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