Saturday, May 25, 2013

#day_of_orange_&_blue writing about it..

let réclame what it is to be feel orang..
the color orang,red&yellow, individual character
orang became my future..
the place I would not be
but am full of orang I don't fight for the future..

diving into the blue..meditate
blue was and still is my color..
what does it really mean..
what is blue for me..
this is a long night..
am getting long nights..dry days..
thinking about my blue..or rather blue of mine.. of mine is all blue are!!!
being with me when i had my first palette..
could see my child's hand reaching for blue..
observe the blue
what is blue..
flashes of blue.. remember when your were inside of me.. the the 7 seas..
searching the waves for a hug..
for sanctuary..
a place of my own..

..choices one makes  it's not from oneself..
it's not who self.. choose from multi options
for self to really choose..
self has to creates what self want..
that's a choice of one self..


Friday, May 24, 2013

day 2 of #day_of_orange_&_blue

good day world..
day 2 of..#day_of_orange_&_blue
let remember blue..
what blue mean..
how blue feel..

#pattern #draw #collage #mixmedia
artist a freedom fighter with images


then it went to a turn 
it went to a different direction 

close up to some part of the original 

#pattern #draw #collage #mixmedia
artist a freedom fighter with images


day of orange and blue..
to the world..
to the last attempt to combined both in one canvas..

I have this to do today

let réclame what it is to be orang..
to feel orang..
the color orang,red&yellow, individual character 
orang became my future..
the place I would not be
 am full of orang I don't fight for the future..

#pattern #draw #collage #mixmedia
artist a freedom fighter with images


day of orange and blue..
to the world..
to the last attempt to combined both in one canvas..

I have this to do today

let réclame what it is to be orang..
to feel orang..
the color orang,red&yellow, individual character 
orang became my future..
the place I would not be
am full of orang I don't fight for the future..

#pattern #draw #collage #mixmedia
artist a freedom fighter with images

Thursday, May 23, 2013


day of orange and blue..
to the world..
to the last attempt to combined both in one canvas..

I have this to do today

let réclame what it is to be orang..
to feel orang..
the color orang,red&yellow, individual character 
orang became my future..
the place I would not be
am full of orang I don't fight for the future..

#pattern #draw #collage #mixmedia
artist a freedom fighter with images

Monday, May 20, 2013

#write_from_pictuers song..letter..

a letter from maha to self..
sing a song for this unknown way of speaking through others words..
others voice..when am going to say out my words..only in colours
when am going to use my own voice..only in painting..

Child from Syria

To be completely honest
It scares me to imagine
What life would be without you
For this very reason
I ask you to forgive me
For what I'm putting us through

not that am really scared, you know am just angry..
but not to regain maha is my obsession not just a goal
asking for forgiveness  from self, for am the one who still hurts maha the most
am the one who is left suppressing maha

am that lover whom never kept a promise..
am the lover whom never loved you..
self confusing my betrayal to self..

for that i ask for forgiveness..

have being mistreating self..ignoring self..lying to self
all the whale declaring self love...
that's what i have being putting maha through..


so its not about love..or self love
is it about beauty or self beauty..
is it about self worth..or worth at all..

the thing with mom is it, maha being fighting her
when all she wanted is for maha to fight for her..
that is not maha resbonsiblty..not that mom had maha by choices..

there are so many things
Against us, I've decided
That I'm not giving you up, no...

that's not even i not in me..
although, i know it hurts more to have hope..
i know i can not disbelieve in self in that way..sorry maha
if you want me to give up, it's not in me, that's another pain i add on you

Thinking back, I see what we have
Is something different
I think we've known all along

how fair would it be
To divide this love's existence
Between what's right and what's wrong

what is wrong..what is right..why to judge by a rule..
who's rule anyway..

always wondering if we'll make it
Time will tell you

If it means having you for only a moment
A moment just might be enough

really that's all i want just a moment after all these years..
really, having is what i have have self..not to be self!!!!

Screaming in the silence the promises we've spoken
Come back to haunt me, false and broken
Quiet desperation to see we're lost forever
Searching for water in the desert

No, I refuse to have to do
Without you


Chantal Van Houten

maha masoud



Sunday, May 19, 2013


maha's play..

want to change gray into green
leave the land into the sea
to dream
to get lost again




the red pointed north
took 4of you from the past
looking through the memories..
dream of going to the country side
line up books
buying from the old souk in down town cairo
oh, disappointed




a head of winter
peach like pink winter
in the wrong place that is not for me
what's outside of my head..please stay out
still blue got pink again
ticket to go on the road
put myself in a bag
on my own
sky, cary me with you



@shankspot.. #Nesem the #puppet

 @shankspot.. #Nesem the #puppet

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

calling this "emotional pain"..

in one of my painful moods
don't see..
i just feel pain..
even in laughter

pain that does not have a colour ..
it run on black..

but to feel it right..

it's not the colour i can't stand..
its what the colour does to me..

when peaceful calm colours 
makes me want to scream..

i feel that everyone
dont match me
dont understan

they are lying
they dont want me
am not wanted by the world

starts to leave..
dont want to be notice 
crumble in side..

not i want to die..
just wish never was born..

and more..
much more
feelings that have no words change
take me on a round and round
racing cars to nowhere

feel my body is showing from the inside out
that my skin has milted

every eye looking
at me

then i fall..
hit the ground with its coldness

and i do feel calm
am on the floor

then he comes..
actually, i seek him out
take comfort 
in hime..
he in me..

then the body that hunted me..
reveal its beauty for me..

 go out of the dark..
vist an old friend
talke to strangers i meet..
smile as the last few weeks
never happen

it was not me..
i was told about it

maha masoud

art liberate human beings from psychological tortures..