Sunday, August 5, 2012

curiouse child 1augst2012


am not realy talking 2 you..or any one not saying anything at all
asking 2many q is not good 4u at this time..
maybe u may ask me later..
yes and i have 2b busy not 2answer ur q..not now dont feel like it

a case of being on the side of lost cuase
when u got nothing, there is nothing 2lose. Then u could win
leave in peace

good day world. Slept well, all is well
living in a " above all else " world
what 2 sell..are u selling 2day
so ur selling dreams of beauty..the idea of good.what r u selling 2day
as your conscience is clear
withdrawal from the inhabited :)
departing the old- what had been

2truly escape i would have 2 escape myself
accept all parts of oneself equally,let go off what could nt control
the expriment,the risk,push mind 2 its limit
mind fighting against itself with dout,fear,skeptic,anxiety. Fight back :)
she knew her persistent would annoy him,make hime love her less.she could nt stop herself :(

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