Tuesday, June 4, 2013


 ..lets not fight any more..
lets just kill each other..

worthless to make pretty out of illusions...
no peace with illusions..
they have to vanish

hard work kept one trying to make chicken soup out of chicken shit..
 ..self is being out of one mind reasonable..for no good reason at all...damn u
..you know..

like I lost what I could not have kind of agony..
as one can lose what one never had..
but yes the dream of some sort..
a dream of way of life..
a dream to see triumph of beauty over power..thoughts over money..
dream..of some sort of love..
that I lost..

there is pain mind u, this pain is the reality have to face..
for the illusion one created and believed in..it is pain..
walk up call kind of thing..


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